
I Workshop on Applied Generative Models (AGM2021)

ACHIEF consortium will take part in I Workshop on Applied Generative Models (AGM 2021). Тhe event will take place on 22-24 September in Malaga, Spain.

ACHIEF presentation

The project partner AIMEN will present ACHIEF project. Their team will present a paper with the following topic “A generative model-based approach for high entropy alloy design”.

About the conference

The Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) 2020/2021 is a biennial forum open to worldwide researchers to present and discuss their last scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). ACHIEF Authors are requested to send original unpublished works, which describe relevant research about topics related to Artificial Intelligence from all points of view: formal, methodological, technical or applied.

Find out more

If you want to know more about the event, visit the official conference website page.
